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Complete Streets
We possess the depth of experience in both transportation and land use planning required for the implementation of functioning complete streets.

Citywide Mobility Plan - St. Augustine, FL
Led a comprehensive citywide mobility planning effort for the oldest City in the United States, which is currently home to nearly 15,000 residents and services as a destination for more than six million visitors annually. This multi-year effort has included multiple phases:
• A Framework Plan, which established a qualitative framework for the effort and included facilitation of a 16-member Mobility Advisory Task Force. The final plan included five sections addressing Street Network, Land Use/Urban Design, Parking, Transportation Demand Management and a Capital Improvements Program.
• Quantitative Analyses, including a parking study, a citywide bicycle and pedestrian safety review, and a transportation network analysis that featured an Origin-Destination Study utilizing Bluetooth data.
• Complete King Street Master Plan: an integrated transportation and land use planning effort for the King Street Corridor that served as the precursor to the City’s acquisition of the road from FDOT and an $18 million complete street project.
Completion Date: 2022
• A Framework Plan, which established a qualitative framework for the effort and included facilitation of a 16-member Mobility Advisory Task Force. The final plan included five sections addressing Street Network, Land Use/Urban Design, Parking, Transportation Demand Management and a Capital Improvements Program.
• Quantitative Analyses, including a parking study, a citywide bicycle and pedestrian safety review, and a transportation network analysis that featured an Origin-Destination Study utilizing Bluetooth data.
• Complete King Street Master Plan: an integrated transportation and land use planning effort for the King Street Corridor that served as the precursor to the City’s acquisition of the road from FDOT and an $18 million complete street project.
Completion Date: 2022

Division Avenue Complete Street - Orlando, FL
Developed a conceptual complete street design for this 1.3- mile segment of Division Avenue within the City of Orlando’s South Downtown Neighborhood Improvement District, also known as SoDo. The plan was developed by incorporating complete street design principles, including recommendations for the Division Avenue right-of-way, design of the roadway, Orlando Urban Trail extension, and the suggestions to address the public realm design of the corridor. The plan features three roundabouts at the intersection of Gore, Kaley, and Michigan streets. The plan also includes the addition of parallel parking, specialty crosswalks, sidewalks, intersection accent planting areas, street trees, street furniture, lighting, wayfinding, bike/pedway facilities, transit stops, and opportunities for public art.
Completion Date: 2021
Completion Date: 2021

US 27 Corridor Vision Plan - Clewiston, FL
Prepared an integrated land use and transportation vision for a 6.5-mile segment of US 27/SR 80 extending from County Road 720 to the Hendry/ Palm Beach County line through the City of Clewiston. John Nolen, a nationally renowned landscape architect, developed the growth plan for the community in 1925. The process included a thorough existing conditions assessment (socio-demographics, land use, mobility, and environment) followed by extensive public engagement and coordination with local government officials. The final plan included both a vision and action plan for the corridor.
Completion Date: 2021
Completion Date: 2021

Curry Ford Vision Plan - Orlando, FL
Advanced an integrated transportation and land use study to prepare a Vision Plan for the 2.5-mile Curry Ford Road corridor and surrounding neighborhoods. Evaluated the growth potential and probability by land use type expected to impact existing transportation facilities. The final plan includes recommended changes to the transportation network, cross section designs for major roads in the study area using complete street principles, and recommendations for policy and code changes to direct future redevelopment in the area.
The Curry Ford Road area has become a popular destination for new small businesses, who have collectively worked together to become a designated Market Street. The Vision Plan will ensure the foundation of this area remains a strong neighborhood and great place to live, and provides for long-term stability for residents, visitors, and businesses.
Completion Date: 2019
The Curry Ford Road area has become a popular destination for new small businesses, who have collectively worked together to become a designated Market Street. The Vision Plan will ensure the foundation of this area remains a strong neighborhood and great place to live, and provides for long-term stability for residents, visitors, and businesses.
Completion Date: 2019

Complete Streets Manual - Manatee County, FL
Incorporated standards in the Public Works Manual to implement the Complete Streets objectives and policies in the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Prepared typical sections for local streets, parkways, boulevards, principal streets, avenues, and main streets. Developed contextual criteria for determining the appropriate street elements and dimensions for specific corridors based on a variety of factors: the land use context of each area, the existing right-of-way dimensions and features, community desires, types of users, transit service, available budget, parking needs, and the location of current and future utilities.
Completion Date: 2016
Completion Date: 2016
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